Historical Overview of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant scar was the worst thing that everybody afraid of if they choose to have a hair transplant procedure.

Hair transplant has appeared since the past decades while people have started to suffer from baldness and hair loss, then, they tried to find a solution to treat baldness with the imaginative efforts.


History of Hair Transplantation

Over the past century around the 1900s, there were a lot of people were suffering from baldness and hair loss, who were searching for baldness cure, trying with the home remedies and medications. These treatments failed to work with the baldness or even hair loss.

Baldness considered as shameful for men and women alike, so they were searching for methods to hide their thinning hair and baldness areas. Then wigs become common among women and men in these decades. Thus the people used to wearing wigs with different color and types and other people donate the grow hair for those in need until they get bored from it because of its adverse effects such as uncomfortable, headache, and rashes.

In 1930, the first attempts at the surgical technique of hair transplant had published in Japan to replace damaged areas of scalp, beard, and eyebrows but not to cure baldness. Then, a Japanese expert described the use of follicles in the head of the hair-bearing areas to the baldness and hair loss areas, and this technique becomes favorite for men and women who got baldness. In which almost 200 patients were treated for baldness.


To advance this technique; The doctor Norman Orentreich has come out the concept of donor and recipient areas for hair restoration called Punch Hair Transplant in New York in 1950s, which harvested the follicles from the back of the head called donor area with this punch to be implanted in recipient areas that suffer baldness. Dr. Orentreich defines that the success of hair restoration depends on the density of the donor area of the patient who willing to undergo a hair transplant.

On the other hand, those methods involve a lot of complications and side effects such as hair transplant scar, bleeding, and blood clot, as well as, general anesthesia needed. The size of the punch that used for extract the follicles was too large about 1.0 mm in diameter that makes a high risk of scarring.

During the 60s, the surgeons of hair transplant have paid attention to the side effects that were an outcome from the previous techniques, in which they were making more efforts to decrease these complications.

Follicular unit transplant technique, known as FUT has come out and was considered as traditional and surgical hair transplant method that depends on a long linear strip of hair tissue removed from the back of the head. This strip of hair-bearing skin involves follicles that separate individual follicular. As well as this linear strip causes a blood clot, deep wound, and generally fine scar.

In the past several years, FUT technique had been the most common method for hair transplantation procedure, until the emerged of FUE technique. In order to the experts of hair transplant have advanced together with the researches and sciences developing for transplanting and harvesting even single hair follicles, in addition to, prevent hair transplant scar.

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The Advanced Techniques of Hair Transplant

While hair transplant became well-known and well-acceptable, the surgeons and experts started to develop the process of the methods to decrease the hair transplant scar. As outdated procedure caused, the techniques for correcting the hair transplant problems have improved over the past years.

FUE technique has been appeared to avoid the complications that resulted from the previous methods such as FUT and Punch hair transplant. Follicular unit extraction has harvested the follicles through small incisions from the donor area, in which the follicles are extracted one by one, relying on a specific device called micromotor.

Micromotor device has a small diameter of a punch that about 0.7 or 0.8 mm; this dramatically reduces the risk of scarring. Due to, the large size of punches causes a lot of hair transplant scar, which is a common understanding among hair transplant surgeons.

The most important advantages of FUE technique are not leaving a linear scar in the donor area, safe, and giving natural-looking results. So when you decide to get faster healing, FUE should be considered. Unfortunately, the direction of hair follicles cannot take a specific direction with FUE, and they are more likely to damage during the stage of implanting, in addition to the holes that created before the implantation phase has led to a certain round scar. Fortunately, these scars are non-detectable.

Thus the problem of harvesting had solved, the problem of implanting is seemed, so that the scientists have tried to avoid the damage of follicles, and to determine the direction as well during implant. Then, DHI technique is invented.

Direct hair implantation, known as DHI or CHOI implant is the one of the latest technique in hair transplant procedure. DHI method aims to place the follicles in particular directions on the scalp due to the doctor use CHOI Pens.

CHOI implant is an extraordinary device look-like the ballpoint pen, used for implanting and embedding the follicles one by one without prior creation of slits, as well as the doctor can control of the angle, direction, and depth of the placement of each graft with CHOI pens.

The complication of DHI implanter technique is more likely to disappear, such as the hair transplant scar and bleeding due to using CHOI pens. DHI technique still has one disadvantage that is a lot of time, which takes about 8 hours.

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Now, it is apparent that a more aggressive approach is needed for getting rid of the complication including hair transplant scar. In order to more development in aesthetic medicine brings out a particular assistant doctor in the field of hair transplantation, which is robotic hair transplant. The Robot ARTAS or HARRTS is the latest technique in hair restoration that uses computer assistance that has a robotic arm helps the doctor to harvest and implant the hair follicles.

The robot HARRTS or ARTAS has a lot of elements including an image of the head to determine the strong follicles and harvesting of the follicles to minimize the risk of scarring. The difference between robot ARTAS and the robot HARRTS is the number of the arms. The essential advantage of robotic hair transplant is to minimize time and maximize healing as well as it prevents hair transplant scar and other complications.

Additionally, the advanced technology has been seeking to avoid hair transplant scar over the last years, depending on many factors such as the efficient surgeons, the latest techniques in hair transplant, and the method of harvesting and implanting. If you collect all of those factors in the best, you will not be likely to get the risk of scarring.


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