which factors influence the color of your teeth?

Are you struggling with the discoloration of your teeth? Have you ever considered why teeth get discolored? Many factors can make your teeth lose their luminosity. It is important to know the exact reason for your tooth discoloration. Is it just caused by lifestyle factors or a matter of dental health? The tooth whitening process should be based on the underlying factors of tooth discoloration. Firstly, it is best to figure out what causes discolored teeth. We, as Top Clinic, have outlined the reasons behind the discoloration of your teeth and give some tips for a healthy and brilliant smile:

  • Food & Beverage (coffee, tea, cola, wine, starchy foods, etc.)
  • Smoking habit
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Diseases, radiation therapy, and certain medications such as tetracycline during pregnancy
  • Dental materials containing silver sulfide
  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Excessive exposure to fluoride
  • Trauma

It is important to know that dental veneers, crowns, dentures, bridges, or implants cannot be whitened. Only natural enamel teeth can be whitened. Depending on the cause of discoloration your dentist will recommend the right treatment for you. Here are the professional solutions for teeth discoloration:

  • Teeth bleaching: Your dentist will decide what kind of whitening products are best for you and apply them in the office. Some products may require heat with a special light.
  • Dental bonding: It’s a treatment in which your dentist coats your teeth in a white resin and hardens it with a special light.
  • Dental crowns: They may whiten your smile while protecting, covering, and restoring damaged teeth. Your dentist can match the color of a crown to the color of your other teeth.
  • Dental veneers: Veneers are porcelain ‘shells’ that are custom-made to cover the front of your teeth and improve the color and form of your smile.

We have listed some of the habits you should adopt in your daily life for the permanence of the results after the teeth whitening treatment that is right for you:

-Brush your teeth twice a day

-Use a whitening toothpaste

-Floss between your teeth

-Avoid food and drinks that stain teeth

-After eating and drinking anything, drink water and rinse your mouth

-Avoid smoking